Order Picker Lift Truck in Saudi Arabia

How Do Order Pickers and Reach Trucks Differ?

For people outside of material handling and warehousing, most forklifts appear to be essentially the same. But for those inside of innovative warehousing businesses, the different types of forklifts are very notable and important. The specialized models are commonly seen on warehouse floors, especially order pickers and reach trucks. They are both designated as Class II forklifts, meaning they are frequently lumped together.

These critical pieces of equipment are essential for warehousing and distribution centers. While the settings are very similar, there are many differences between order pickers and reach trucks.

What Is an Order Picker? Order Picker Lift Truck in Saudi Arabia

Order pickers are designed to take forklift operators up to the rack level. Operators stand on a platform that moves up with the forks. With access levels up to 36 feet high, order pickers require harnesses and other safety equipment. Order pickers allow operators to pick items from bins of different SKUs for order fulfillment quickly and easily. Thanks to order pickers, online shopping order fulfillment has boomed rapidly in recent years.

Order pickers are only used for picking items and cases from warehouse racks, not for loading and unloading pallets of products.

Order Pickers in Saudi Arabia

What Is A Reach Truck?

Reach trucks are used for narrow aisle warehouse applications and function similarly to standard or typical forklifts. The operator stands to operate the reach truck, which has one set of wheels beneath the operator and two outer wheels attached to legs that distribute the load on either side of the mast. These machines can have tall masts, making them pivotal for distribution and warehousing centers.

Reach Trucks in Saudi Arabia

Difference Between Order Pickers and Reach Trucks | Order Picker Lift Truck in Saudi Arabia

The key difference is that an order picker lifts the operator to rack level, whereas, with a reach truck, the operator stays in the cab.

To put it more simply:

The operator goes up in the air with a load and manually “picks” up an order from a rack in an order picker.

With a reach truck, the operator stays in the machine’s cab at ground level and moves the load up mechanically.

While reach trucks and order pickers are purpose-built for warehouse use, they have some other key differences that will determine whether they are suitable for your warehouse configuration. Reach trucks are suited to lifting heavier bulk loads to 2,500 kg, which is high up on storage racks. So, if your inventory includes heavy, bulky items that you can store high up, reach trucks effectively optimize your warehouse space.

The order picker is designed to fulfill smaller items that you would typically find in a picking warehouse. While there are high-level order pickers out there that can reach up to 12 meters in height, the order picker’s specialism is within the picking and packing stage of your warehouse operation, where higher volumes of items need to be processed quickly and rapidly.

As a combination solution, the reach truck and the order picker can simultaneously work in the same operating aisle to provide high volume results in any warehouse.

Best Order Picker Lift Truck in Saudi Arabia | Kanoo Machinery

At Kanoo Machinery, our supply managers offer high-quality options for Order Picker Forklift in Saudi Arabia. Reach out to our experts for the best order picker forklift options in the market.

We suggest you consider points like the size and volume orders/products and other warehouse measurements (aisles and space) before choosing an order picker model. We can help you make this decision! Contact us today at 800 56100 or visit our website.